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Rastriya Janagadana 2078 Shortlist Name of Enumerator (Ganak)


Tutor Chetan

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)

Rastriya Janagadana 2078

Shortlist Name of Enumerator

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) to be Published Result (Short Listing) of Enumerator on Baishakh 26.

In order to hire enumerators for the on-site work of National Census 2078, the first call for the Enumerator (Ganak) post to be received in the Manpower Management and Monitoring System by 2077 Magh 11, as per the online call for applications from eligible Nepali citizens as specified by the public notice published on 11 Chaitra 2077.

The list is said to be published on the 15th of Baishakh, 2078. Due to the corona epidemic in the country, the first shortlist is scheduled to be published on the 26th of Baishakh, 2078 Sunday or later. 

This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

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