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MS Excel - 100 MCQS Question Answer (Part 2)


Tutor Chetan - Notes

Microsoft Office Package

MS Excel - 100 MCQS Questions

Part 2

1. MS-Excel uses the …. function when creating a data table.

  • A. Average
  • B. Count   
  • C. Both A and B
  • D. Table
  • Ans: D

2. Comments can be added to cells using ….

  • A. Edit Comments
  • B. Insert Comment   
  • C. File Comments
  • D. View Comments
  • Ans: B

3. Which menu option can be used to split windows into two?

  • A. Format Window
  • B. View Window Split
  • C. Window Split
  • D. View Split
  • Ans: C

4. Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called….
  • A. Accessing
  • B. Referencing
  • C. Updating
  • D. Functioning
  • Ans: B

5. Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel?
  • A. Number
  • B. Character
  • C. Label
  • D. Date/Time
  • Ans: B

6. Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification?
  • A. Contents
  • B. Objects
  • C. Scenarios
  • D. All of the above
  • Ans: D

7. A numeric value can be treated as label value if ______ precedes it.
  • A. Apostrophe (‘)
  • B. Exclamation (!)
  • C. Hash (#)
  • D. Tilde (~)
  • Ans: A

8. Concatenation of text can be done using...
  • A. Apostrophe (‘)
  • B. Exclamation (!)
  • C. Hash (#)
  • D. Ampersand (&)
  • Ans: D

9. Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?
  • A. Title Bar
  • B. Menu Bar
  • C. Formula Bar
  • D. Standard Tool Bar
  • Ans: C

10. Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using...
  • A. Standard Formulas
  • B. Array Formula
  • C. Complex Formulas
  • D. Smart Formula
  • Ans: B

11. An Excel Workbook is a collection of …
  • A. Workbooks
  • B. Worksheets
  • C. Charts
  • D. Worksheets and Charts
  • Ans: D

12. What do you mean by a Workspace?
  • A. Group of Columns
  • B. Group of Worksheets
  • C. Group of Rows
  • D. Group of Workbooks
  • Ans: D

13. MS-EXCEL is based on ……….?
  • B. DOS
  • C. UNIX
  • D. OS/2
  • Ans: A

14. In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called …..?
  • A. AutoFill
  • B. Auto correct
  • C. Auto sum
  • D. Auto format
  • Ans: C

15. To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?
  • A. CTRL + C
  • B. CTRL + Arrow key
  • C. CTRL + S
  • D. None of the above
  • Ans: D

16. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?
  • A. ROUND ( )
  • B. FACT ( )
  • C. MOD ( )
  • D. DIV ( )
  • Ans: C

17. Which function is not available in the Consolidate dialog box?
  • A. PMT
  • B. Average
  • C. Max
  • D. Sum
  • Ans: A

18. Which is not the function of “Edit, Clear” command?
  • A. Delete contents
  • B. Delete notes 
  • C. Delete cells
  • D. Delete formats
  • Ans: C

19. Microsoft Excel is a powerful ________.

  • A. Word processing package
  • B. Spreadsheet package
  • C. Communication S/W Package
  • D. DBMS package
  • Ans: B

20. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
  • A. Data, Sort
  • B. Data, Form
  • C. Data, Table
  • D. Data Subtotals
  • Ans: A

21. Which Chart can be created in Excel?
  • A. Area
  • B. Line
  • C. Pie
  • D. All of the above
  • Ans: D

22. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as ‘#,##0.00’?
  • A. 5,430.00
  • B. 5,436.80
  • C. 5,436.8
  • D. 6.8
  • Ans: B

23. How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?
  • A. date ()
  • B. Today ()
  • C. now ()
  • D. time ()
  • Ans: C

24. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
  • A. date ()
  • B. Today ()
  • C. now ()
  • D. time ()
  • Ans: B

25. How do you wrap the text in a cell?
  • A. Format, cells, font
  • B. Format, cells, protection
  • C. format, cells, number
  • D. Format, cells, alignment
  • Ans: D

26. What does COUNTA () function do?
  • A. counts cells having alphabets
  • B. counts empty cells
  • C. counts cells having number
  • D. counts non-empty cells
  • Ans: D

27. What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?
  • A. Ctrl+C
  • B. Ctrl+Enter
  • C. Ctrl+Page Up
  • D. Ctrl+Space Bar
  • Ans: D

28. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
  • A. $
  • B. *
  • C. %
  • D. &
  • Ans: A

29. Excel displays the current cell address in the ______.
  • A. Formula bar
  • B. Status Bar
  • C. Name Box
  • D. Title Bar
  • Ans: C

30. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
  • A. sheet3!A10
  • B. sheet1!A10
  • C. Sheet3.A10
  • D. A10
  • Ans: A

31. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?

  • A. Visual Basic
  • B. C
  • C. Visual C++
  • D. Java
  • Ans: A

32. Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel?
  • A. Cells
  • B. Rows
  • C. Columns
  • D. Document
  • Ans: D

33. How many worksheets can a workbook have?
  • A. 3
  • B. 8
  • C. 255
  • D. none of above
  • Ans: D

34. Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
  • A. Edit, Chart
  • B. Insert, Chart
  • C. Tools, Chart
  • D. Format, Chart
  • Ans: B

35. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
  • A. Paper
  • B. Margin
  • C. Layout
  • D. Orientation
  • Ans: B

36. What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?
  • A. XY Chart
  • B. Line Chart
  • C. Pie Chart
  • D. Column Chart
  • Ans: C

37. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________ menu.
  • A. insert
  • B. file
  • C. tools
  • D. view
  • Ans: C

38. Which key do you press to check spelling?
  • A. F3
  • B. F5
  • C. F7
  • D. F9
  • Ans: C

39. To record a sequence of keystrokes and mouse actions to play back later we use:
  • A. Media player
  • B. Sound Recorder
  • C. Calculator
  • D. Macro Recorder
  • Ans: D

40. We can save and protect the workbook by...
  • A. Write Reservation Password
  • B. Protection Password
  • C. Read-only Recommended
  • D. Any of the above
  • Ans: D

41. The first cell in EXCEL worksheet is labeled as...
  • A. AA
  • B. A1
  • C. Aa
  • D. A0
  • Ans: B

42. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? (ex. $B$2:$B$10)
  • A. An absolute cell address is created.
  • B. Cell address will change when it is copied to another cell.
  • C. The sheet tab is changed.
  • D. The status bar does not display the cell address.
  • Ans: A

43. What are the tabs that appear at the bottom of each workbook called?
  • A. Reference tabs
  • B. Position tabs
  • C. Location tabs
  • D. Sheet tabs
  • Ans: D

44. What is represented by the small, black square in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range?
  • A. Copy handle
  • B. Fill handle
  • C. Insert handle
  • D. Border
  • Ans: B

45. In Excel, a Data Series is defined as what?
  •  A. A type of chart.
  • B. A cell reference.
  • C. A collection of related data
  • D. A division of results
  • Ans: C

46. In Excel, the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar is used for what?
  • A. To insert a background.
  • B. To add borders.
  • C. To select a distribution of figures.
  • D. To add shading or color to a cell range.
  • Ans: D

47. In help menu of Excel, which of the following tabs are found?
  • A. Contents tab
  • B. Answer Wizard tab
  • C. Index tab
  • D. all of the above.
  • Ans: D

48. A __________ is a grid with labeled columns and rows.
  • A. Dialog box
  • B. Worksheet
  • C. Clipboard
  • D. Toolbar
  • Ans: B

49. The active cell...
  • A. is defined by a bold border around the cell.
  • B. Receives the data the user enters.
  • C. It is the formula bar.
  • D. Only A and B.
  • Ans: D

50. Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and loan payment amounts?
  • A. Logical
  • B. Math & Trigonometry
  • C. Statistical
  • D. Financial
Ans: D

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