Tutor Chetan
Bhansar Agent / Customs Agent
Written Exam Routine / Schedule
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Finance, Customs Department Notice of date and time of written examination for selection of customs agent (Bhansar Agent). In the advertisement No. 001/2077/078 of this department, dated 2077-12-16 in Gorkhapatra daily and on the website of the customs department, the notice of online call for application has been published for the license of the customs agent; This notice has been published for the information of all concerned as it has been decided on 2075-01-05 to conduct the written examination for the selection of customs agent as per the advertisement on the following date and time.
Exam Date and Time:
- Date of written examination: 2075-02-22 Saturday
- Time: 1:00 p.m.
- Examination Center: Will be published later.
Note: The examinee must comply with the health care standards prescribed by the Government of Nepal.