Tutor Chetan
Python - Programming Language
Snakify.org - Problem Solution
Integer and Float Number
1) Last digit of integer
Given an integer number, print its last digit.
Model solution
- a = int(input())
- print(a % 10)
2) Tens digit
Given an integer. Print its tens digit.
Model solution
- n = int(input())
- print(n // 10 % 10)
3) Sum of digits
Given a three-digit number. Find the sum of its digits.
Model solution
- n = int(input())
- a = n // 100
- b = n // 10 % 10
- c = n % 10
- print(a + b + c)
4) Fractional part
Given a positive real number, print its fractional part.
Model solution
- x = float(input())
- print(x - int(x))
- # num = float(input("Enter the number: "))
- # real = num - int(num)
- # frac = str(round(real, 3))
- # print(frac)
5) First digit after decimal point
Given a positive real number, print its first digit to the right of the decimal point.
Model solution
- x = float(input())
- print(int(x * 10) % 10)
- # num = float(input("Enter the Number: "))
- # rd = int(num*10)
- # print(rd % 10)
6) Car route
A car can cover distance of N kilometers per day. How many days will it take to cover a route of length M kilometers? The program gets two numbers: N and M.
Model solution
- from math import ceil
- n = int(input())
- m = int(input())
- print(ceil(m / n))
- # n = int(input("Input: "))
- # m = int(input("Input: "))
- # perday = m/n
- # day = ceil(perday)
- # print(day)
7) Digital clock
Given the integer N - the number of minutes that is passed since midnight - how many hours and minutes are displayed on the 24h digital clock?
The program should print two numbers: the number of hours (between 0 and 23) and the number of minutes (between 0 and 59).
For example, if N = 150, then 150 minutes have passed since midnight - i.e. now is 2:30 am. So, the program should print 2 30.
Model solution
- n = int(input())
- hours = n // 60
- minutes = n % 60
- print(hours, minutes)
8) Total cost
A cupcake costs A dollars and B cents. Determine, how many dollars and cents should one pay for N cupcakes. A program gets three numbers: A, B, N. It should print two numbers: total cost in dollars and cents.
Model solution
- a = int(input())
- b = int(input())
- n = int(input())
- cost = n * (100 * a + b)
- print(cost // 100, cost % 100)
9) Clock face - 1
H hours, M minutes and S seconds are passed since the midnight (0 ≤ H < 12, 0 ≤ M < 60, 0 ≤ S < 60). Determine the angle (in degrees) of the hour hand on the clock face right now.
Model solution
- h = int(input())
- m = int(input())
- s = int(input())
- print(h * 30 + m * 30 / 60 + s * 30 / 3600)
- # hour = int(input("Input: "))
- # minute = int(input("Input: "))
- # second = int(input("Input: "))
- # print((hour*3600 + minute*60 + second)/120)